Focus on Surviving Another Farm Bill at #2016SPGC

Cindy Zimmerman2016 Conference, Audio, NewsLeave a Comment

It may seem like the last farm bill process just ended, because it did only two years ago, but already farm state legislators and agricultural organizations are looking ahead to starting the 2018 Farm Bill negotiations. “We’re wrapping up with the 2014 farm bill as far as any regulations that were outstanding and now we’re moving into prep for the … Read More

House Ag Chairman Addresses #2016SPGC

Cindy Zimmerman2016 Conference, Audio, News, Video2 Comments

Rep. Mike Conaway (R-TX) addressed the 2016 Southern Peanut Growers Conference, stressing the importance of preparing now for the 2018 Farm Bill. “My goal is, as is the goal of every ag chairman, is to get it done before the current one expires, not have to have short term extensions and all the drama that goes along with that, said … Read More

Trade Opportunities with China

Cindy Zimmerman2015 Conference, Audio, NewsLeave a Comment

Earlier this year, a group of peanut industry representatives including Bob Parker of the National Peanut Board and Don Koehler with the Georgia Peanut Commission visited China on a trade mission organized by the American Peanut Council. Bob and Don gave an overview of the challenges and opportunities they found in the most populous country in the world during the … Read More

2015 Peanut Profitability Awards

Cindy Zimmerman2015 Conference, Audio, NewsLeave a Comment

The 16th annual Farm Press Peanut Profitability Awards were presented at the 2015 Southern Peanut Growers Conference, as usual. This year’s winners, from left to right, are pictured here with Dr. Marshall Lamb of the National Peanut Research Laboratory who serves as advisor for the awards program. Left to right the winners this year are: Southwest region – Anthony Reed … Read More

Valor Award to Patrick Archer

Cindy Zimmerman2009 Conference, Audio, NewsLeave a Comment

The Webster definition of “valor” is “strength of mind or spirit that enables a person to encounter danger with firmness” and that was required this year more than any other for the peanut industry. In recognition for his strength and leadership of the peanut industry during a time of crisis, American Peanut Council president Patrick Archer was recognized today with … Read More

Feeding the Hungry with Peanuts

Cindy Zimmerman2008 Conference, Audio, NewsLeave a Comment

The potential for the peanut-based product known as Plumpy’nut to fight global famine is tremendous, according to Jeff Johnson of Birdsong Peanut Company. “It’s revolutionized saving the lives of severely malnourished children in Africa, saving tens of thousands of lives,” Jeff says. “The demand in Africa alone could be 1.2 billion pounds.” “If the USAID devoted just ten percent of … Read More

Economy Optimism

Cindy Zimmerman2008 Conference, Audio, NewsLeave a Comment

What goes up, must come down, and the opposite is also true when it comes to the economy. Robert Nobles with Synovus Banks had pretty positive message for peanut producers regarding the economy. “While the economy is struggling at this point, it will get better, its just going to take some time,” he says. “When using history as a guide, … Read More

Peanut Supply and Demand

Cindy Zimmerman2008 Conference, Audio, NewsLeave a Comment

Richard Barnhill with peanut brokers Mazur and Hockman gave growers an update on the supply/demand situation for peanuts. His main message was that even though the crop is going to be big this year, there’s plenty of demand for peanuts. “We need to maintain acres about the same as we have now and the market is going to make sure … Read More

Peanuts and the World Food Crisis

Cindy Zimmerman2008 Conference, Audio, NewsLeave a Comment

Peanut growers heard from Scott Rawlins of Makhteshim Agan of North America, better known as MANA, about the global food crisis. Rawlins talked about the current situation and what the so-called “experts” are saying – and why agricultural producers seem to be getting left out of the equation. The “no-brainer” is that we need to increase food production worldwide. “Some … Read More