Rollin’ on the River Roundup

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The 2024 Southern Peanut Growers Conference bids farewell to the fair city of Savannah and a great meeting with plenty of information to take home and digest. To see all of the content in one place, you can go to the SPGC virtual newsroom which includes links to all the photos and audio files.

Here are the highlights of the conference on the blog:
Ready to Roll on the River – interviews with all four state executive directors
House Ag Vice Chairman Addresses Peanut Growers Rep. Austin Scott (R-GA)
Valor Award Goes to Bob Parker – honoring the recently retired NPB CEO
Chancellor Perdue Seeks Grower Input – former ag secretary comments on current issues
Thanks to Our Blog Sponsor – AgTechnologies
House Ag Member Still Optimistic for 2024 Farm Bill – Rep. Frank Lucas (R-OK)
Yummy Yom Ice Cream Pops Feature GA Peanuts – Sweet Georgia treat
2024 Peanut Efficiency Award Winners – hear from Dr. Lamb and all the winners
Peanut Growers Appreciate Syngenta Support Thanks to our Diamond level sponsor
Piloting Peanuts through the Course – hear from Georgia Ports Authority
U.S. Peanut Federation Policy Update – Bob Redding provides farm bill update
Peanuts and Chickens – USDA-ARS researcher Dr. Ondulla Toomer
Status of the Southeastern Peanut Crop – Auburn and UGA Extension Peanut Agronomists
Farmers Help Experts Analyze Profitability – Dr. Fletcher and Rep Farm Panel
Sponsors Make it All Possible – Thank You!!

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Sponsors Make it All Possible

Cindy Zimmerman2024 Conference, Audio, Conference SponsorsLeave a Comment

FMC featured a peanut cracking contest to win a drone

Nearly 50 companies and organizations were responsible for making the 2024 Southern Peanut Growers Conference possible. If it were not for their support, the cost of this great event would be more than many growers would be able to afford. That’s what we appreciate their help so much.

FMC Corporation once again stepped up at the Platinum level to sponsor the luncheon on Thursday. FMC Southeast Technical Service Manager Blaire Colvin said they really just enjoy being part of the peanut growing family. “Every year we come every year and we like to be able to talk with growers,” said Colvin. “We feel it’s really important to have that opportunity and meet their families and just demonstrate our support for what they do.”

Listen To MP3 SPGC24 Blaire Colvin, FMC 2:43

Here is a list of all the conference sponsors – please let them know you appreciate them.

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Farmers Help Experts Analyze Profitability

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Everyone in the peanut industry likely knows Dr. Stanley Fletcher, a professor of policy at the Center for Rural Prosperity and Innovation at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College. For almost 25 years, Dr. Fletcher’s job has been to analyze the costs of peanut production concerning yields and grade and evaluate the profitability of various production operations.

In order to do that, he finds representative farms in peanut states to get good, sound information about really what is happening on the ground on the farm. Four of those farmers came together on a panel with Dr. Fletcher during the Southern Peanut Growers Conference to talk about the experience. Listen to their conversation below.

Rep Farm Panel:
Carl Sanders, Alabama
Ken Barton, Florida
Tim McMillan, Georgia
Dan Ward, North Carolina (by video)

Listen To MP3 Dr. Fletcher and Rep Farm Panel 39:17

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Status of the Southeastern Peanut Crop

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Scott Monfort, UGA and
Kris Balkcom, Auburn

Peanut acres are up this year in the Southeast, according to Auburn Extension Peanut Agronomist Kris Balkcom.

“Looking here at Alabama, we had increased about 7 to 10% over the year before. Georgia is up 10% and Florida is up 6% as well. Mississippi is up 25%. And you can see overall here we’re looking at 1.75 million acres,” said Balkcom during a presentation at the Southern Peanut Growers Conference. “It’s been quite some time since we’ve seen a number that high on the US peanut acreage as a whole that gives us about an 8% increase in acreage over last year.”

As for the condition of the crop, UGA’s Scott Monfort took a look at a variety of different scenarios for the remainder of the season and hopes it will be a good year in the final analysis.

“If we have 1.2 million acres in a poor weather scenario, and this is based on historical yields where we think we’ve dropped off in bad years, 2.254 million tons in the Southeast,” said Monfort. “If we have a pretty good moderate average year 2.439, but if we have a good year, we could be as much as 2.6 million. So it’s a pretty doggone good range. I think right now we’re looking pretty good even though we got problems, fighting worms and disease.”

Listen To MP3 SPGC24 Kris Balkcom, Auburn University 9:30

Listen To MP3 SPGC24 Scott Monfort, University of Georgia 10:34

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Peanuts and Chickens

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Peanuts and chickens go together in the South like peanut butter and jelly, so feeding peanuts to chickens could be a win-win.

Dr. Ondulla Toomer, with the USDA-ARS Food Science and Market Quality and Handling Research Unit, has found in her research that feeding high-oleic peanuts to meat-type broiler chickens enhances the fatty acid profile of the meat produced.

“Peanuts can be utilized to enhance poultry and egg production to produce premium quality enriched eggs and poultry meat,” said Dr. Toomer in a brief interview after her presentation at the Southern Peanut Growers Conference. “This could mean some expanded market utilization for peanuts.”

Listen To MP3 SPGC24 Dr. Toomer, USDA-ARS 1:37

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U.S. Peanut Federation Policy Update

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It was four years ago that the Southern Peanut Farmers Federation, the American Peanut Shellers Association and the National Peanut Buying Points Association joined together to create the United States Peanut Federation, which is piloted by long-time peanut industry lobbyist Bob Redding.

Besides the farm bill, Redding talked about the need to increase exports. “Whether Republicans or Democrats control the White House next January, we’re likely to see increased tariffs, particularly with China. This will be impactful to a number of commodities, either directly or indirectly with peanut, so we might as well face that and brace up for it,” he said. “We worked really hard with the US Peanut Federation to build relationships both in the House and Senate with senior members who are involved in trade policy and we have to increase our export efforts with regard to peanuts.”

In his expectations for a farm bill at this point, Redding said, “We will likely see a farm bill action will be after the election in lame duck session and we’re hopeful the final bill will be similar to the House bill.”

Listen To MP3 Bob Redding, peanut policy update 35:25

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Piloting Peanuts through the Course

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This is the first year the Southern Peanut Growers Conference has ever been held in Savannah, home to the Port of Savannah, the single largest and fastest-growing container terminal in America and a very important step on the journey of U.S. peanut exports.

“The port of Savannah is the largest gateway for peanut exports in the United States, over 34% of all peanut exports moved via our gateway here in Savannah,” said David Porter with the Georgia Ports Authority who spoke at the conference.

Porter said they are focused on improvements to make shipping easier for their customers and continue their growth. “Imports account for more than 60 percent of our volume so we want to move that import freight closer to market and what that means for you as exporters is we’re putting empty equipment closer to your farms,” said Porter. “That’s going to allow your your truckers to have much quicker turn times.”

Listen To MP3 David Porter, Georgia Ports Authority 18:41

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Peanut Growers Appreciate Syngenta Support

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Syngenta has been a loyal sponsor of the Southern Peanut Growers Conference for all 25 years of its existence and they are proud to continue that support.

“In the southeast, Syngenta is a strong player in peanut fungicides, it’s really our bread and butter, and we want to support the growers that are supporting us,” said regional agronomy rep Wilson Faircloth.

Faircloth says they are looking forward to the release of Plinazolin technology. “It’s a new insecticide technology (that) has a great fit for peanut farmers to control root worms and some other pests as well.”

Learn more in this interview.

Listen To MP3 Wilson Faircloth, Syngenta 2:41

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2024 Peanut Efficiency Award Winners

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L-R: Shannon Nixon; Kevin and Drew Monahan; Milton and Drew Parrish; Jesse Dyck

This year Farm Press celebrates 25 years of recognizing the top peanut farmers in the country.

This year’s class of Peanut Efficiency Award Winners by region are:
Delta States: Drew and Milton Parrish, Lexington, MS
Lower Southeast States: Shannon Nixon, Baker, FL
Southwest States: Jesse Dyck, Denver City, TX
Upper Southeast States: Springhill Farms Parthership, Waverly, VA

As usual, the farmers fielded questions on a panel moderated by Dr. Marshall Lamb.
Listen To MP3 Award winners panel with Dr. Lamb 27:14

Listen to comments from Parrish and Nixon.
Listen To MP3 Shannon Nixon, Baker, FL 3:08
Listen To MP3 Drew Parrish, Lexington, MS 1:15

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Yummy Yom Ice Cream Pops Feature GA Peanuts

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Yom Ice Cream, an Atlanta-based premium ice cream company, was pleased to offer its Georgia Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip flavored push pops as a treat at the Southern Peanut Growers Conference.

Yom co-founder William McLane says they collaborated with Georgia peanut growers to make the flavor. “We got to work with Georgia grinders and make some amazing peanut butter with Georgia peanuts and use those because they’re a special flavor,” said McLane.

He hopes to take that special flavor nationwide. “I think it’s going to easily be that popular,” McLane said. “We want to grow it beyond Georgia…so everybody gets to experience Georgia peanuts that way.”

Listen to an interview with McLane:
Listen To MP3 William McLane, Yom 4:07

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