Exploring the Future of Non-food Uses of Peanuts

Cindy Zimmerman2023 Conference, AudioLeave a Comment

Finding new uses for peanuts is becoming a priority for the industry and Dr. Marshall Lamb, USDA-ARS National Peanut Research Lab, says a recent symposium explored some of the possibilities, such as high-oleic peanuts. “Scientists are proving that we can add high oleic peanuts into the diets of poultry and actually see the benefits in the final product to the … Read More

Valor Award Goes to Lewis Carter Jr.

Cindy Zimmerman2023 Conference, AudioLeave a Comment

Everyone in the peanut business knows LMC Manufacturing, since about 95 percent of the industry uses machinery built by the legendary company started in 1941 by Lewis Carter Jr.’s grandfather. This year, Carter received the Valor award, sponsored by Valent, for the contributions LMC has made to the peanut industry. “We look for that winner to be somebody that’s made … Read More

Rep. Austin Scott Addresses 2023 SPGC

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With Congress on summer vacation until September 12, it’s unlikely the September 30 deadline for a new farm bill before the old one expires will be met. But, as Rep. Austin Scott (R-GA) told the Southern Peanut Growers Conference, Congress still has to do something. “Every five years we write a farm bill, it’s a temporary change to permanent law … Read More

Current Situation from Southern Peanut Growers State Execs

Chuck Zimmerman2023 Conference, AudioLeave a Comment

At the start of conference we get a chance to visit with each of the state peanut association executives. This year we have a new Executive Director at the Alabama Peanut Producers Association, Libbie Johnson. Along with her are Ken Barton, Florida Peanut Producers Association, Don Koehler, Georgia Peanut Commission and Malcolm Broome, Mississippi Peanut Growers Association. Topics and issues … Read More

Dr. Stanley Fletcher Shares Overview of Current Peanuts Economics

Chuck Zimmerman2022 Conference, AudioLeave a Comment

Dr. Stanley Fletcher encouraged peanut producers to get involved in the upcoming farm bill process if they want to see a strong safety net for peanuts continue. He also recommended some innovative thinking when it comes to expanding markets for the product. “You need to think outside the box and create new demand because basic productivity exceeds the traditional demand … Read More

Verdesian Adds to Peanut Farmers Plant Health Options

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There was excitement around a new product from Verdesian Life Sciences at the 2022 Southern Peanut Growers Conference. Phil Shelley covers the southeast peanut market, as well as some cotton and soybean acres. He shared information about SEED+GRAPHITE, a nutritional planter box solution that is already available for cotton and is now in trials for peanuts. “The big thing on … Read More

FMC Products for Peanut Growers

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Different weather conditions have challenged peanut growers this year, including lesser cornstalk borer where fields have been dry. FMC Technical Service Manager Blaire Colvin said a project using smart traps to monitor those moths throughout Alabama and Georgia is helping growers to identify and control that pest. She said now that some areas are receiving rain, disease pressure is a … Read More

State of U.S. Peanut Policy with Congressman Michael Cloud

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Congressman Michael Cloud (R-Texas) shared thoughts on the state of U.S. peanut policy during the 2022 Southern Peanuts Growers Conference. He said the American agriculture industry continues to do a great job even amid policies that are sometimes restrictive. “What we’ve seen over the last year is the American ag industry continues to have higher yields with less inputs. That’s … Read More

Peanut Allergy Experience in One Florida County

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It is important for peanut growers to be involved in the community and to establish themselves as a resource for school districts. That was the message shared by Judson Crane with the Florida School Nutrition Association during the Southern Peanut Growers Conference. Crane said one school district’s experience with parents making unreasonable demands because of their son’s peanut allergy opened … Read More

Florida School District Experience with Peanuts in School Nutrition

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The School District of Lee County in Florida brought peanuts back to school menus in 2022 after the product had been banned in the district’s school kitchens since 2004. While labor shortages and supply chain challenges were large factors in bringing peanut products back, Food and Nutrition Services Coordinator Amy Carroll said allergy management education is a more realistic and … Read More