Peanuts Important to BASF

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Peanuts are considered to be a specialty or minor crop to many chemical companies and often it is the case that minor use crops get the benefits of major crop developments. In the case of BASF Headline, it worked the other way. Regional sales manager William Reed (center) says that versitile fungicide – which is now labeled for use in … Read More

Bayer CropScience Proud to Be a 10-Year Sponsor

Cindy Zimmerman2008 Conference, Audio, Conference Announcement, Conference SponsorsLeave a Comment

Nine companies have been sponsors of the Southern Peanut Growers Conference for all ten years of its existence and one of them is Bayer CropScience. Here is a family photo of the Bayer team at their booth here, with the recognition award they received for ten years of sponsorship on display. I finally got a chance to chat with regional … Read More

“Peanut Congressman” Provides Update

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Congressman Sanford Bishop of Georgia’s 2nd District says he is proud to be known in the House as the “peanut congressman,” since he serves the southwest part of Georgia “the largest peanut growing district in our country.” Congressman Bishop gave peanut producers an update on the “2007 Farm Bill finally passed in 2008” as well as concerns about USDA now … Read More

Congressman Recognized for Support

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Congressman Terry Everett of Alabama is retiring after 16 years representing the interests of peanut producers and other southeastern farmers in the U.S. House of Representatives. Congressman Everett is pictured here with Randy Griggs of the Alabama Peanut Producers after he was recognized by the Southern Peanut Farmers Federation for his many years of service to the industry, especially as … Read More

And Now a Word From Our Sponsor

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New technology and new media are a perfect fit, so it is fitting that Trimble/Ag Technologies is the sponsor of this blog coverage of the Southern Peanut Growers Conference. I got a chance to chat with Josh Pitts of Ag Technologies, Trimble regional sales manager Tim East and Brian Kelley with Ag Technologies who are here representing the companies. Tim … Read More

Mr. Peanut Wears Many Hats

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He is known to many in the southeast as “Mr. Peanut” – the voice of authority when it comes to peanuts on the Southeast Agnet. Tyron Spearman is also the executive director for the National Peanut Buying Points Association and he poses here with some of his members making grilled peanut butter and jelly sandwiches at the Southern Peanut Growers … Read More

Peanut Advisory Board Marketing Efforts

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I mentioned Chet’s Peanut Butter toppings in the last post – here’s a close up of this fantastic new product for the peanut industry. It’s only been out there for about six months and already a buzz is getting started. Leslie Wagner with the Peanut Advisory Board says they have been working to help market this new product. “We love … Read More

Nearly 500 Registered for Conference

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Nearly 500 peanut industry representatives from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi and beyond are already registered for the Southern Peanut Growers Conference, according to Randy Griggs with the Alabama Peanut Producers. “We thought that maybe because of the fuel prices our attendance might be off, but that’s not the case,” Randy says. In fact, with families coming, Randy expects there to … Read More