House Ag Member Still Optimistic for 2024 Farm Bill

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Republican Congressman Frank Lucas of Oklahoma still thinks it’s possible to get a farm bill before the end of 2024.

“I don’t want to wait personally for January to do the farm bill… I want to do the farm bill as soon as possible,” the senior member of the House Agriculture Committee told the Southern Peanut Growers Conference on Friday morning. “Let’s get it done now. Let’s get it done. The best we can. And with a new policy in place. We can tweak on things during the appropriations process next year.”

Listen to his remarks and answers to questions from growers and the media.

Listen To MP3 Rep. Lucas remarks 31:36
Listen To MP3 Rep. Lucas interview 5:03
Listen To MP3 Rep. Lucas press 6:00

2024 Southern Peanut Growers Conference Photo Album

Thanks to Our Blog Sponsor

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This year is the 25th Southern Peanut Growers Conference (since 2020 never happened) and it is the 16th year the event has been archived here as a blog. You can go all the way back to 2008 and see photos and videos and hear interviews and read stories all through those years.

AgTechnologies has been a sponsor of this blog from the start. “Sponsoring the blog at the conference here has been a really big deal for us,” says Travis Kelley, Executive Vice President of Technology for the company that was founded in 2003 in Cordele, Georgia. “The peanut industry has really been a big part of where we started as a company in precision ag.”

As the precision ag tech space continues to accelerate toward autonomy and AI solutions, Kelley says their job is to stay up to date on the latest and provide the education that growers need to make the best decisions for their operations.

Listen To MP3 Interview with Travis Kelley, AgTechnologies 4:06

2024 Southern Peanut Growers Conference Photo Album

Chancellor Perdue Seeks Grower Input

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The former Governor of Georgia and former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture came before the Southern Peanut Growers Conference Thursday in his newest role as University System of Georgia Chancellor.

Sonny Perdue was named UGA Chancellor in 2022, a role which provides leadership in higher education, extension, and research priorities within the state university system, so he wanted to hear what peanut growers think is important. “I need to hear from folks on the ground what’s going on out there from a Georgia perspective,” said Perdue. “As Chancellor, the land grant mission and extension model is one where we’re able to disseminate knowledge out to the field and I think that’s been one of the strengths of our agricultural productivity over the years.”

Perdue said he often gets asked about Donald Trump and what he was like as president. “I didn’t understand fully how somebody that grew up in Queens could have such a genuine affection for people of the land like Donald Trump had,” said Perdue. “What I finally concluded was, in the American farmer and rancher he saw the embodiment of the American spirit.”

Would he be willing to serve as agriculture secretary again if Donald Trump returns to the White House. “I flippantly tell people right now, if the opportunity occurred, I’d rather be married,” he joked.

Listen To MP3 Chancellor Perdue listening session 33:57

Listen To MP3 Chancellor Perdue press conf 4:42

2024 Southern Peanut Growers Conference Photo Album

Valor Award Goes to Bob Parker

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Valent’s John Alton presents Valor Award to Bob Parker

At the end of 2023, Bob Parker retired as President and CEO of the National Peanut Board after serving in that capacity for a decade. For his tenure and leadership, he was presented with the annual Valor Award by Valent at the 2024 Southern Peanut Growers Conference.

“I tell people if you cut my arm, instead of blood, peanut butter would come out of my veins,” said Parker as he accepted the award.

Parker has been heavily involved in the peanut industry for decades and has served as chairman of the American Peanut Council, American Peanut Shellers Association, the Peanut Institute and the Peanut Administrative Committee. He has served on the Boards of the Peanut Foundation and Peanut Standards Board.

He also served as the luncheon speaker at the conference on Thursday and gave his perspective on how far the industry has come and how far it could still yet go in the future. “When I started with the peanut board in 2012, the previous five years, the U.S. average production of peanuts was two million tons,” said Parker. “The last five years I was with the peanut board, the average production of peanuts in the U.S. was three million tons… I think within ten years we’re going to see four million ton production, I think it’s coming.”

The question, he says, is “What are you going to do with another million tons of peanuts?”

Listen below:
Listen To MP3 Valor award presentation 1:56

Listen To MP3 Bob Parker remarks 20:28

2024 Southern Peanut Growers Conference Photo Album

House Ag Vice Chairman Addresses Peanut Growers

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Many of his Republican colleagues are in Milwaukee this week for the convention, but Rep. Austin Scott of Georgia put peanut growers and his family ahead of attending his party’s big party.

“It’s not that I don’t want to be there, it’s that I have a six year old and a ten year old and I had four other things scheduled in the district,” said Rep. Scott.

Scott, who is Vice Chair of the House Agriculture Committee and Chairman of the Subcommittee on General Farm Commodities, addressed the conference about the current state of the delayed farm bill. “It’s harder now to get anything done in Washington D.C.,” said Scott. “We’ve got to get a farm bill and that farm bill has got to take care of American production agriculture.”

Several of Scott’s priorities to ensure a strong farm safety net were included in the House version of the farm bill, which passed out of committee in May, and he considers it the best bill for production agriculture. While there is a possibility a bill could pass before the end of the year, he expects it will be put off until 2025 when he is optimistic things might be better.

“I certainly hope that President Trump becomes the president of the United States and he selects someone like Sonny Perdue to be the secretary of agriculture who actually cares about production agriculture,” said Scott.

Rep. Scott addressed the conference Thursday morning and answered reporter questions.

Listen To MP3 Rep. Scott remarks (12:44)

Listen To MP3 Rep. Scott press (5:18)

2024 Southern Peanut Growers Conference Photo Album

Ready to Roll on the River

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Peanut growers and industry representatives from Alabama, Florida, Georgia and Mississippi are in Savannah, Georgia this week Rollin’ on the River for the 2024 Southern Peanut Growers Conference.

Leaders of the state organizations, pictured here, gave us an update on the condition of their crops this year and what they are expecting as far as a farm bill after the 2018 law was extended last year and looks to be delayed again this year.

Listen to comments from each state director below.

Listen To MP3 Libby Johnson, Alabama Peanut Producers Association (2:00)
Listen To MP3 Ken Barton, Florida Peanut Producers Association (4:32)
Listen To MP3 Don Koehler, Georgia Peanut Commission (6:26)
Listen To MP3 Malcolm Broome, Mississippi Peanut Growers Association (4:05)

Here is a link to the photo album, which will be updated throughout the conference.
2024 Southern Peanut Growers Conference Photo Album

2024 Southern Peanut Growers Conference

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It is that time. Time for the 25th Annual Southern Peanut Growers Conference which will be held July 17-19, 2024, at the Savannah Westin Golf Resort & Spa, Savannah, Georgia.

The three-day event provides farmers with information about peanut production, legislative issues, marketing and promotions. In addition to the conference sessions, the event focuses on the family by offering a ladies program and a golf tournament. You can find the conference schedule here.

This conference blog will include speaker and sponsor interviews as well as photos from past conferences. See you there soon.

Farm Bill Fight Over Base Acres Expected

Cindy Zimmerman2023 Conference, AudioLeave a Comment

The National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) recently voted to request that Congress require a mandatory base acre update in the upcoming farm bill reauthorization, a proposal which is causing a lot of concern both in Washington DC and around the countryside.

“This was new, certainly surprising to us and a lot of other commodities,” said Bob Redding, during his annual update on peanut policy at the Southern Peanut Growers Conference. “This creates a whole different discussion in the farm bill and it will be very divisive.”

Redding says Dr. Stanley Fletcher, ABAC Center for Rural Prosperity, worked up the numbers on how a mandatory base acre update determined by recent history would impact the peanut industry. “Alabama on peanuts will lose almost have of their base, Georgia roughly 30 percent, Florida and Mississippi also lose,” said Redding.

“Peanuts will lose about 40 percent of their base,” said Dr. Fletcher, and farmers may have to make a decision when it comes to strategy for the farm bill. “What’s more important to you, maintaining your base or getting that reference point higher?” he asked.

Listen To MP3 Bob Redding remarks”] (20:01)

Listen To MP3 Dr. Stanley Fletcher remarks”] (26:44)

Thanks to all the SPGC Sponsors

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The Southern Peanut Growers Conference is able to offer such a great program because of the amazing sponsors who make it possible.

Once again, FMC sponsored the family entertainment Friday night for all the mateys on the Buccaneer Pirate Cruise. All the kids loved singing pirate songs, swabbing the deck, having sword fights, and finding treasures.

FMC is one of nearly 50 sponsors for the conference who help defer the costs for growers to attend each year.

Ag Technologies has been sponsor of the conference blog since it was started in 2008 and we chatted with Travis Kelly again this year to find out what’s new with the precision ag company located in Cordele, Georgia.

“We like to support the industry in general,” said Kelly. “We found out very early that peanut growers are someone we could really help (with precision ag).”

Listen To MP3 Travis Kelly, Ag Technologies (2:24)

2023 Southern Peanut Growers Conference photo album

Strengths of Precision Agriculture for Peanuts

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Dr. Simer Virk, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension precision agriculture specialist, has been working on precision agriculture applications in peanuts for the past five years and he told the Southern Peanut Growers Conference that he sees a lot of promise in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance peanut production.

“Artificial intelligence in agriculture is already picking up,” said Dr. Virk. “Sensing and detecting weeds in real time and spraying, we’re already seeing that application out there, and we’re going to see more and more of it.”

Dr. Virk was just named Ag Tech Educator/Researcher of the Year at the Tech Hub LIVE conference. His current research is evaluating performance of application technology on sprayers and VRT on fertilizer application equipment to improve application accuracy and placement of pesticides and nutrients.

Listen to an interview with Dr. Virk here:
Listen To MP3 Simer Virk, University of Georgia (4:09)

2023 Southern Peanut Growers Conference photo album