2022 Farm Press Peanut Efficiency Award Winners

Chuck Zimmerman2022 Conference, AudioLeave a Comment

During the Conference four peanut producers received the annual FarmPress Peanut Efficiency Awards presented at the Friday Saturday breakfast. Producers were praised and recognized for efficiently growing high-yielding peanuts. The 2022 winners are: Upper Southeast: Ben Cowin, Williamston, N.C. Lower Southeast: Wayne Hobbs, Irwin County, Ga. Delta: Mitchell Rogers, Covington County, Miss. Southwest: Karl Stutzman, Weatherford, Okla. Pictured are the … Read More

How Peanuts are a Great Part of School Nutrition

Chuck Zimmerman2022 Conference, AudioLeave a Comment

The first general session this year was titled, “School Nutrition, How Importance Is It?” Sherry Coleman Colling, dietician for the National Peanut Board has lots of reason. I visited with her after the session to get a few of her takeaways. A main focus was on allergies with good information on how schools can and do have protocols to address … Read More

2022 Valent Valor Award Winner is Armond Morris

Chuck Zimmerman2022 Conference, AudioLeave a Comment

The 2022 Valent Valor Award was presented to Armond Morris, a Georgia peanut grower. Making the presentation was John Alton, Valent. Armond was very surprised and expressed his appreciation of the support for the peanut industry from Valent. Armond dedicated over 40 years of service to the Georgia Peanut Commission including being Chairman and serving on many committees. He has … Read More

State Peanut Groups Updates

Chuck Zimmerman2022 Conference, AudioLeave a Comment

It’s a tradition. We ask the executive directors of the Florida, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi peanut grower associations about their state situations. Questions include what the crop looks like and how many acres were planted, effects of the pandemic and supply chain issues, crop inputs and early discussions on the farm bill that will be more formally worked on in … Read More

2022 Southern Peanut Growers Conference

Chuck Zimmerman2022 Conference, Conference AnnouncementLeave a Comment

It is back to the beach in 2022 for the Southern Peanut Growers Conference. The 23rd Annual Southern Peanut Growers Conference will be held July 21-23, 2022 at the Edgewater Beach Resort, Panama City Beach, Florida. The three-day event provides farmers with information about peanut production, legislative issues, marketing and promotions. In addition to the conference sessions, the event focuses … Read More