Yummy Yom Ice Cream Pops Feature GA Peanuts

Cindy Zimmerman2024 Conference, Audio, Conference SponsorsLeave a Comment

Yom Ice Cream, an Atlanta-based premium ice cream company, was pleased to offer its Georgia Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip flavored push pops as a treat at the Southern Peanut Growers Conference.

Yom co-founder William McLane says they collaborated with Georgia peanut growers to make the flavor. “We got to work with Georgia grinders and make some amazing peanut butter with Georgia peanuts and use those because they’re a special flavor,” said McLane.

He hopes to take that special flavor nationwide. “I think it’s going to easily be that popular,” McLane said. “We want to grow it beyond Georgia…so everybody gets to experience Georgia peanuts that way.”

Listen to an interview with McLane:
Listen To MP3 William McLane, Yom 4:07

2024 Southern Peanut Growers Conference Photo Album

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