Thanks to Our Blog Sponsor

Cindy Zimmerman2024 Conference, Audio, Conference SponsorsLeave a Comment

This year is the 25th Southern Peanut Growers Conference (since 2020 never happened) and it is the 16th year the event has been archived here as a blog. You can go all the way back to 2008 and see photos and videos and hear interviews and read stories all through those years.

AgTechnologies has been a sponsor of this blog from the start. “Sponsoring the blog at the conference here has been a really big deal for us,” says Travis Kelley, Executive Vice President of Technology for the company that was founded in 2003 in Cordele, Georgia. “The peanut industry has really been a big part of where we started as a company in precision ag.”

As the precision ag tech space continues to accelerate toward autonomy and AI solutions, Kelley says their job is to stay up to date on the latest and provide the education that growers need to make the best decisions for their operations.

Listen To MP3 Interview with Travis Kelley, AgTechnologies 4:06

2024 Southern Peanut Growers Conference Photo Album

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