T.E. Moye, Karl Zimmer, Marshall Lamb
T.E. Moye joined the Georgia Federal State Inspection Service as President and CFO in 2011. As a farmer, he was the recipient of the 2009 Farm Press Profitability Award for the lower Southeast.
Karl Zimmer is president and CEO of Premium Peanut, a grower-owned peanut sheller processing nearly 10 percent of the U.S. peanut crop. He is also chairman of the American Peanut Shellers Association.
Dr. Marshall Lamb is research leader at the USDA ARS National Peanut Research Laboratory and is no stranger to the SPGC since he serves as the national program adviser for the Farm Press Peanut Efficiency Award.
Listen to their comments and an interview with Moye below.
Interview T.E. Moye, GA Federal-State Inspection Service (5:43)
General Session I – Future Vision of Peanut Value and Grading
Karl Zimmer, Premium Peanut (24:48)
T.E. Moye, GA Federal-State Inspection Service (27:39)
Dr. Marshall Lamb, USDA-ARS National Peanut Research Lab (17:42)