Registration is Underway

Cindy Zimmerman2008 ConferenceLeave a Comment

Peanut producers and their families from throughout the Southeast are arriving here at the Edgewater Beach Resort Conference Center in Panama City. It is a beautiful day to be at the beach here on the panhandle of Florida. The Gulf of Mexico is just across the street from the conference center and right out the back door of the resort … Read More

Nearly 500 Registered for Conference

Cindy Zimmerman2008 Conference, Audio, NewsLeave a Comment

Nearly 500 peanut industry representatives from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi and beyond are already registered for the Southern Peanut Growers Conference, according to Randy Griggs with the Alabama Peanut Producers. “We thought that maybe because of the fuel prices our attendance might be off, but that’s not the case,” Randy says. In fact, with families coming, Randy expects there to … Read More