Piloting Peanuts through the Course

Cindy Zimmerman2024 Conference, AudioLeave a Comment

This is the first year the Southern Peanut Growers Conference has ever been held in Savannah, home to the Port of Savannah, the single largest and fastest-growing container terminal in America and a very important step on the journey of U.S. peanut exports.

“The port of Savannah is the largest gateway for peanut exports in the United States, over 34% of all peanut exports moved via our gateway here in Savannah,” said David Porter with the Georgia Ports Authority who spoke at the conference.

Porter said they are focused on improvements to make shipping easier for their customers and continue their growth. “Imports account for more than 60 percent of our volume so we want to move that import freight closer to market and what that means for you as exporters is we’re putting empty equipment closer to your farms,” said Porter. “That’s going to allow your your truckers to have much quicker turn times.”

Listen To MP3 David Porter, Georgia Ports Authority 18:41

2024 Southern Peanut Growers Conference Photo Album

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